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Campfire Smoke Signals
Welcome to VIBE’s first-ever Event Industry Summer Camp. Just like any summer camp experience, this multi-session series is meant to be fun while also teaching you new and interesting things... about …
Business as Usual?
With more and more people around the world receiving vaccinations, the “re-opening” of the world is already underway. Schools are planning to welcome students back to in-person teaching in the Fall. T…
6 Steps for Successful Virtual Events
While many people are eagerly looking forward to attending in-person events in the near future, there are many businesses and event organizers who have a new-found appreciation for digital and virtual…
Comfort is King
If there’s one thing that can always be said about the event industry, it’s that it will certainly keep you on your toes. However, anyone who has ever tried to organize an event up on their toes in hi…
Vaccine Passports – Are They Happening?
Around the world, the big news continues to be the push for COVID-19 vaccination. With as much as it has been the topic of news and daily conversation, it would make you think that any day now the mag…
Who is the Traveler of Tomorrow?
Airlines say they are expecting a surge in summer travel after decreased traffic over the past 12 months. Disney Parks & Resorts just re-opend both parks – Disneyland, CA and California Adventure.…
Re-opening Isn’t One Size Fits All
In many parts of the country, state and local governments have been lifting various closures and other restrictions on public spaces. Declining numbers of new COVID-19 cases and increasing numbers of …
Extended Reality –Extended Opportunity
During the past year, many events started utilizing XR (Extended Reality) technology to revolutionize the experience and reach larger audiences. You may have seen this during the MTV Video Music Award…
Food & Beverage 2.0
A year ago, it seemed as though the idea of serving food and beverages to any size group would be impossible. Now, the changing landscape of health and safety, coupled with a renewed desire for public…
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Want ideas & strategies customized to your event?

Schedule a 1-1 call with Valerie to discuss your goals and brainstorm some ideas.