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14 questions: The VIBE holiday edition


We want to have a little bit of fun this season, and share some of our favorite holiday likes, dislikes, and traditions. Therefore, VIBE team will answer 14 holiday questions. You get to learn about us, and get some new ideas for your family during this joyous season. Let’s get started!

1 – What’s your most cherished holiday tradition?

“Have a nice big meal with all family Christmas Eve. Eat the Christmas cake and Christmas pudding on December 25th (I am half British). Open the presents from the tree sock next to our bed from Father Christmas and open the presents from the family under the tree. Crack the “crackers” all together.” – Lucie
“Do a big dinner with my whole family.” – Floriane

2 – Hot chocolate or eggnog?

“Hot chocolate all the way!” – All the team had the same answer for this question. What best Christmas drink than a nice warm hot chocolate!

snow man made of sand

3 – Do you prefer the wintertime snow, or the sand beneath your toes?

“Sand!” – Severine
“Definitely more of a beach lover during winter.” – Ines
“Wintertime snow!” – Camille, Peggy

4 – Do you prefer to travel during the holidays or cozy up at home?

“Cozy at home with my family and good food!” – Ines
“Prefer cozy at home but up to travel.” – Valerie
“Before cozy but now travel!” – Severine

food on table

5 – Turkey, ham, or something else?

“Prime rib, extra rare.” – Valerie
“Definitely ham!” – Peggy
“Something else. I don’t eat meat!” – Lucie

6 – Favorite holiday cocktail?

“Mojitos! Haha, not so Christmas.” – Floriane
“Champagne with lychee and rosemary or mojitos!” – Valerie
“Hot chocolate! I don’t like alcohol.” – Severine


7 – Favorite holiday song?

“Petit Papa Noel” – Ines
“All I Want for Christmas… is you, of course!” – Floriane
“Mon Beau Sapin” – Valerie

8 – Do you have a New Year’s resolution?

“More travels!!” – Gaelle
“To make happen what I want to achieve.” – Valerie
“Keep evolving in a professional & personal level” – Camille

holiday movies on table

9 – Hallmark holiday movies or Die Hard?

Pretty much everyone went with Hallmark holiday movies – except Valerie who prefers action movies!  No surprise there as our fearless leader never gives up.  She’s always on the go! Actually Valerie is exited to see the new Stars Wars, aren’t you? For the rest of us, we still love those sappy happy ending Christmas movies!

10 – Favorite charity organization to donate to?

“Les Restau du Coeur! A French charity for homeless” – Floriane and Ines
“Children cancer” – Severine
“Alzheimer Foundation” – Lucie

donut tree ornament

11 – What is your favorite flavor of donut?

“Chocolate flavor and not too sugary” – Lucie
“Plain!” – Laurence
“Vanilla of course!” – Ines

12 – Thoughts on mistletoe?

“My hubby!” – Floriane
“Love.” – Peggy
“It is so romantic!” – Camille

gigerbread cookies

13 – Open presents on Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, or over 8 Crazy Nights?

“Always on morning of Christmas Eve.” – Valerie
“Let’s go for the 8 Crazy Nights: the longer and more fun, the better.” – Ines
“Christmas Eve!” – Gaelle

14 – What’s your favorite holiday destination?

“Home is the best!” – Peggy
“To my home Swiss mountains!” – Camille
“Where there is snow for Christmas!” – Lucie

Fourteen questions for 14 years of experience! We’d also love to hear from YOU!  Tell us your favorite traditions. Maybe we will find some new ideas to try.  From our team to you, no matter your holiday observance or where you are in the world – Happy Merry Christmakwanzakah

Holidays!  The most important thing about the holiday season is enjoying the time to be together with friends and family.


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